Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Jared Letters

I am working on writing so many different things nowadays that it is hard to know what to write here... and then it occurred to me that I can post excerpts from my other ramblings here.

One of the things I have been consistently writing is something I call the "The Jared Letters". After my son was born, there were a few dark moments when I wasn't doing very well and I wasn't sure that I would be around to raise my son. I did my best to ensure that my husband would get all the help possible to raise Jared in a supportive, loving environment... but I wanted Jared to have something from me too. Something tangible to express how deeply and fully I had loved him. So I wrote him an endless letter detailing everything I could anticipate wanting to tell my son. The story of how his father and I met. How we felt when we realized we were having him. Our dreams and hopes for the future....

Thankfully, I have recovered completely from a difficult birth, but I decided to continue writing letters to Jared every month... and I think I will post bits and pieces of my letter to Jared each month here.


PretaMulatta said...

u're such a WONDERFUL mother... u make me weep with your overwhelming capacity 2 love. and MAKE ME LAUGH! but i'm constantly in awe of how u make things happen. like magic.

pennilish said...

very kind and generous of you to say. much love.