Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Close Up of Baby Josiah

Because I know my mother is going to complain that the photos are too small and she can't see anything... I decided to post a close up of Josiah I filmed when he was searching for his thumb.

In this video he is 4 weeks old and weighs 12lbs and 10oz.... more than many 3 MONTH OLD babies! I grow monster size boys, don't I???

(It doesn't look like it, but the video is below-- it looks like a plain black box. Just push play!)



S. E. Thomas said...

Penny & Dalvin!
He is so adorable! Thanks for sending me updates on your kids. They are beautiful and I love the video clip of Jared holding Josiah. He really loves his baby.

Unknown said...

he is so cute Penny! Kiss him for me , he is so big and cuddly. Alper is 19 pounds and 70 cm at 5 months and they say he is very big and the size of a 9 month old baby. (we are already wearing 9-12 month old clothes) I can't imagine how big Josiah will be at his age :) I think it is much easier to take care of bigger babies though. You should post more pictures on facebook!!! That site is so useful penny, I don't even use e-mail anymore, I send messages from facebook. Take care lots of love ece